Make a BIDS app from your Dockerfile

BIDS apps are “portable neuroimaging pipelines that understand BIDS datasets”. BIDS, short for Brain Imaging Data Structure**, is a specification on how to organize and describe neuroimaging datasets, aimed at improving data sharing practices and reproducibility in science (just like Porcupine!). BIDS apps further improve reproducibility by offering containerized analysis pipelines operating on BIDS-formatted datasets.

Given that Porcupine generates both a pipeline-script (a Python script in the case of Nipype-based pipelines) and a complementary Dockerfile, it is relatively straightforward to convert your pipeline in a BIDS app! It only takes a few edits to the Dockerfile and your Porcupine-generated pipeline-script.

We will describe how to convert Porcupine-pipelines to BIDS apps by walking you through the process of converting our simple example from our example-gallery, a basic skullstripping workflow, to a BIDS app.

The simple skullstripping pipeline which we'll convert to a BIDS app (click to enlarge)

Making your Porcupine-pipeline “container-aware”

First of all, your pipeline should run in a “container-aware” manner. That is, your pipeline should be adapted at runtime depending on the arguments given by the user. BIDS apps require at least three (mandatory) positional arguments:

  • input_dataset: the folder containing the BIDS-formatted dataset;
  • output_folder: the folder where the results will be stored;
  • analysis_level: the stage of the analysis performed

(For more information, check out the BIDS app article!)

Additionally, BIDS apps allow other (optional) arguments. In our example, we could for example make the “fractional intensity threshold” of the FSL skullstripping algorithm “BET” an optional parameter of our BIDS app. Another often-used optional parameter is participant_label, which specifies the particular subject(s) to be processed using the app. With all parameters, it is thus important that our pipeline should be able to flexibly adjust its nodes/ports according to the arguments given by the user.

To do so, we can simply use variables as values for the specific ports in our pipeline (like the port frac in our BET-node), which we will assign a specific value depending on the user input (using e.g. Argparse, as explained in the next paragraph). For our three nodes (SelectFiles for input, BET for the skullstripping operation, and DataSink to write the results back to disk), we could set the ports as follows:

Using user parameters in Porcupine nodes (click to enlarge)

As you can see in the the image above, we use variables as values for the ports of our nodes (e.g. bids_dir for the base_directory port of SelectFiles). But how do we map the input of the user to the variables? To achieve that, we need to add some code to the Python-script!

Modifying your Python-script

To parse the arguments given by the user, we’ll adopt the approach used in the example BIDS app provided by the BIDS apps developers. In fact, we can almost exactly copy-paste their code for parsing the arguments (using the Argparse library).

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Example skullstripping BIDS App entrypoint script.')
parser.add_argument('bids_dir', help='The directory with the input dataset '
                    'formatted according to the BIDS standard.')
parser.add_argument('output_dir', help='The directory where the output files '
                    'should be stored. If you are running group level analysis '
                    'this folder should be prepopulated with the results of the'
                    'participant level analysis.')
parser.add_argument('analysis_level', help='Level of the analysis that will be performed. '
                    'Multiple participant level analyses can be run independently '
                    '(in parallel) using the same output_dir.',
                    choices=['participant', 'group'])
parser.add_argument('--participant_label', help='The label(s) of the participant(s) '
                   'that should be analyzed. The label '
                   'corresponds to sub-<participant_label> from the BIDS spec '
                   '(so it does not include "sub-"). If this parameter is not '
                   'provided all subjects should be analyzed. Multiple '
                   'participants can be specified with a space separated list.',
parser.add_argument('--frac', default=0.3, type=float, dest='frac',
                    help='Fractional intensity threshold parameter for FSL BET')

Now, we add some code to actually parse the arguments and “map” them to our pipeline by storing the values in the values we specified for our nodes (e.g., the frac for BET, and the bids_dir variable for SelectFiles):

args = parser.parse_args()
bids_dir = args.bids_dir
out_dir = args.output_dir
frac = args.frac

# Extract sub_ids for SelectFiles
if args.participant_label:
    sub_ids = args.participant_label
# for all subjects
    subject_dirs = glob(os.path.join(args.bids_dir, "sub-*"))
    sub_ids = [subject_dir.split("-")[-1] for subject_dir in subject_dirs]

Adding the above to your Python-script will enable you to run your pipeline with specific parameters for bids_dir, output_dir, participant_label, and frac! (Note that we do not use the analysis_level argument here, because it’s irrelevant for such a simple skullstripping workflow.) You could for example run the pipeline for participants 01, 02, and 03 with the frac parameter set to 0.4 as follows:

$ python /home/user/my_bids_data /home/user/outputs participant --frac 0.4 --participant_label 01 02 03

However, this does not run your pipeline in a Docker container. To do so, we need to edit the Porcupine-generated Dockerfile slightly.

Warning! Make sure you make your make your Python-script executable (i.e. on Linux/Mac: chmod +x before building your Docker image, otherwise you’ll get a “permission denied” error when running your image!

Modifying your Dockerfile

In Porcupine-generated Dockerfiles, you can adapt it to your pipeline by adding it to the Docker image (by the ADD command) and calling it during runtime (by the CMD command). To make it compatible to BIDS-apps, we only need to change the CMD command to an ENTRYPOINT command. Suppose our Porcupine-generated Python-script is named, we only need to change CMD ["python", "/"] to ENTRYPOINT ["/"]. In other words, the last three lines of your Dockerfile should be something like:


Now, you can run your skullstrip pipeline as a proper BIDS app in a Docker container by running the following command in your pipeline (which should include a mapping of your bids-folder and output-folder to the Docker image!):

$ docker run --rm -v /home/user/bids_data_dir:/data:ro -v /home/user/outputs:/out skullstripimage /data /out participant --frac 0.4 --participant_label 01 02 03

If you want to check out the Porcupine-pipeline and corresponding Python-script and Dockerfile, you can download them below!

Download .pork-file Download .py-file Download Dockerfile