Simple example
An example showing Porcupine’s basic features
Here you find a collection of .pork files. We’d love to include more examples, so if you feel like contributing your pipeline to our piggy bank, check our instructions to contribute to our example gallery here.
In order to run the examples, make sure you have the lastest version of Nipype (0.14.0) installed!
An example showing Porcupine’s basic features
An example using an iterable in Porcupine.
An example using a MapNode in Porcupine.
An example of a skullstripping pipeline in Porcupine.
An example a resting state fMRI preprocessing pipeline in Porcupine.
An example of a first-level analysis (FSL-based) pipeline in Porcupine.
A Porcupine-pipeline reconstructing FSL FEAT’s analysis pipeline.
Follow the guidelines below to add it to our example gallery!