First-level analysis example
This example pipeline loads both a functional MRI file and file with event onsets and durations (in BIDS-format) and subsequently specifies a design and contrasts, and fits the design onto the functional MRI file using a voxel-wise GLM (i.e. a mass-univariate first-level analysis).
More specifically, this pipeline leverages the FSL modelling interfaces (fsl.Level1Design
, and fsl.FILMGLS
). Also, because Nipype does not provide
an interface to load in BIDS-style event-files, we included a custom interface
that converts the information in the event file to a format that the rest of
the pipeline can work with. See the
section on custom interfaces
in the documentation for more information on how to add your own interfaces/modules.
Check out the Porcupine-generated Python-script, Porcupine-pipeline, and associated Dockerfile in our Github repository or download the files directly below.